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National Art Educator Association NAEA
This is a virtual gallery that allows you to create your own collection of art pieces. Each artwork has a file with basic information, like technique, size and place where the piece is displayed.​​​

NAGC, National Association for Gifted Children (2012). Gifted Education in the USA,
This is an organization of parents, teachers, educators, other professionals, and community leaders who unite to address the unique needs of children and youth with demonstrated gifts and talents as well as those children who may be able to develop their talent potential with appropriate educational experiences.
PBS website teachers resource with hundreds of ideas and subjects to inspired amazing curriculums.​​​

YoungArts provides emerging artists with life-changing experiences with renowned mentors, access to significant scholarships, national recognition, and other opportunities throughout their careers to help ensure that the nation’s most outstanding emerging artists are encouraged to pursue careers in the arts.

Is the home for Creative Kids magazine, created specially for kids age 8-16 years old. Here children can show their creative work. This cyber-magazine also a blog with updated information and ideas for the talented child.
This is a gem in the complicated maze of gifted education. They have a variety of resources for teaching gifted students including: Lesson plan ideas for creating your own lesson plans according to Bloom's Taxonomy, Activity books that have challenging activities for gifted students, Textbooks for teachers on teaching gifted students. In addition, the website has a blog, numerous articles and a catalog of products.

Be Infectious video:  ‪3:37 Minutes by RascalsAndRogues / YouTube. Director's cut of a short film that is part of an initiative to encourage creative professionals to mentor creative children in the arts. Created by Rascals & Rogues, Kerry Shaw Brown - Director, Ritch Wedeking - Exec. Producer, The Integer Group - Ad Agency.

‪3:35 minutes by gherrera2012 / you tube

Gwyneth Herrera video about a 4 years old artist that has captured and inspired many around the world.

I am gifted video: 4:37 Minutes by ‪TemoralLobe29 / You Tube

This is a video created for students who were identified as being gifted. It is a wonderful video that inspires.

and links of interest

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