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Some Definition of the Artistically Talented Student

“…Who shows and exceptional high ability in one or more areas of the visual art such as drawing, painting, sculpture, ceramics, printmaking, photography, textiles or art criticism. These students demonstrate outstanding performance in the visual arts with a high degree of sensitivity and dedication.” (Bolan, 1986, p.19)

"Children and youth who are identified at the preschool, elementary, or secondary level as possessing demonstrated or potential abilities that give evidence of high performance areas such as intellectual, creative, specific academic, or leadership ability, or in the performing of visual art, and who y reason thereof require services or activities not ordinarily provided by the school." (Federal Government, Maryland, 1972, p.14)

"...Talente designates the superior mastery of systematically developed abilities or skills and knowledge in at least one area of endeavor to a degree that places the child among the top 10% of his or her age peers who are active in that field." (Gadné, 2003, as cited in Cukierkorn, 2008)

Basic assumptions about creativity:

  • There are not common definition of creativity
  • Creativity is a complex with relationship among people, processes, products and social cultural context.
  • People is creative in particular domain, not in general sense
  • Creativity can be enhance and teaching strategies can be developed to stimulate creativity
  • Creativity for Visual AE should be inclusive with all students viewed as having abilities to be creative.

(Zimmerman, 2010)

To support the talent in the visual and performing arts


  • Raise levels of art awareness
  • Understand the purpose of art in our society
  • Find special opportunities to observe, create, reflect and learn
  • Build self-confidence of creativity abilities and intelligence. (Cukierkorn, 2008, pp. )
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